

UVA students host a Slut Walk around Grounds to protest sexual assault and victim blaming. The walk…

1987-09-16 - Status of Women Discussed.pdf
Norma Geddes, chairwoman of the Task Force on the Status of Women, addresses an open forum on…

1984-08-28 Gerry N.O.W..pdf
Geraldine Ferraro becomes the first vice presidential nominee in U.S. history when Democratic…

1984-02-28 Woman Doctor Gives Inside View.pdf
Dr. Elsa Paulsen, associate professor of pediatrics and assistant professor of biochemistry, offers…

1997-09-18 Cavalier Daily Women Must Embrace Feminist Label.pdf
An opinion columnist asserts that people are afraid to identify as feminists, and seeks to clarify…

1985-09-12 - New Women Meet With Praise.pdf
Student and faculty reactions to Washington and Lee's admission of its first 107 female students are…

1986-09-10 - Women's Issues Addressed.pdf
University President O'Neil convenes a task force consisting of Director of Women's Studies Sharon…

Cavalier Daily Oct 13, 1992 - Retreat Fosters Communication.pdf
University faculty, administrators and students discuss issues such as sexual assault and gender…

1998-03-04 Cavalier Daily Let Women Make Playboy Choice.pdf
This opinion article responds to a Playboy ad in the Cavalier Daily, seeking students to appear in…

1996-12-05 Cavalier Daily Good ol' Boys.pdf
This opinion article reacts to recent allegations of the sexual assault and rape of female cadets by…

1996-09-10 Cavalier Daily Single-sex Scrutiny.pdf
In the wake of the Supreme Court ruling that VMI's all-male policy was unconstitutional, this…

1996-08-28 Cavalier Daily Whole Women.pdf
This opinion article discusses the recent shift from all-male to co-ed of the Citadel, a military…