February 28, 1984 · Cavalier Daily

Woman Doctor Gives Inside View

Dr. Elsa Paulsen, associate professor of pediatrics and assistant professor of biochemistry, offers a talk about her career as a female doctor, and the deficit of female doctors and archaic attitudes towards women in the medical profession at UVa.


1984-02-28 Woman Doctor Gives Inside View.pdf
Kathy Jourdan
Cavalier Daily
Cavalier Daily
Woman Doctor Gives Inside View
Wanted: More Women Doctors in Virginia.
Dr. Elsa Paulsen, associate professor of pediatrics and assistant professor of biochemistry will be addressing this problem tonight.
“This is to honor her for all her contributions not only to the University but to all the women at the University,” said Caroline Gebhardi, administrative assistant to the Women’s Studies program, which is sponsoring the speech.
Describing Paulsen as a “forthright" and "really extraordinary" woman, Gebhard aid Paulsen proves it is "not impossible for women to have both a career and a happy family life."
Gebhard added that Paulsen’s "down-to-earth and character as well as her accomplishments had '"changed a lot of not so subtle attitudes at the University."
Paulsen, who specializes in the treatment of diabetic children, said, would say that in the area here, the attitude toward women in medicine is archaic."
She noted that although most mother medical schools enroll 35-40 percent female students, the University's enrollment is only 15 percent.
About 35 percent of those offered admission at the University are female, she said, but added that the low percentage of female acceptances should act as a "clue" to hospital officials that something is wrong.
Paulsen said that the basic thrust of her speech will be to tell medical students "If I did it you can do it too."
Remembering the “doubts and indecision" she experienced before entering the medical profession, she said she wants to be sure that her audience knows that it “isn’t all just a gung-ho thing.”
"I opt very much for the view that women should enter a profession with a good attitude," Paulsen said.
She said she also felt women should not “ask for special favors because they're women.”
Paulsen will speak at 8 p.m. in 106 Peabody Hall.
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Date Added August 8, 2016
Date Modifed December 11, 2017
Collection Cavalier Daily: articles about gender discrimination

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