

1986-04-11 - Rape Victim Wins Lawsuit.pdf
Fourth-year UVa Engineering student Lisa Pelled is awarded $250,000 by a jury, after suing the…

1986-04-14 - Rape Victim's Right to Privacy Was Violated.pdf
These two letters to the editor criticize several recent articles by reporter Beth Peck covering a…

1986-04-17 - Incest Victims Endure Pain, Lifetime Scars.pdf
This article focuses on the issue of sexual child molestation. It cites statistics surrounding the…

1987-04-20 - Wheeler Discusses Acquaintance Rape.pdf
University lecturer John Wheeler gives a talk about acquaintance rape, in which he discusses the…

1987-09-24 - University Faces Suit.pdf
A former UVa graduate student files a lawsuit after she was raped at her Emmet Street apartment…

1988-01-26 - Local Crime Rate Rises.pdf
The crime rate rises by 2% overall in Charlottesville, with an increase of one in the number of…

1988-01-28 - On-Grounds Crime Drops 4.7 Percent.pdf
The number of Part I crimes, including sexual assault, on Grounds drops from 593 in 1986 to 565 in…

1988-03-29 - Student Charged With Rape.pdf
Third-year University student Richard Roe is charged with the rape of an anonymous 21-year old…

1988-03-30 - Students Report Three More Rapes.pdf
Female students report three separate acquaintance rapes: One woman reported being raped in her…

1988-03-30 - Reporting Rape.pdf
This notice by the editor responds to the recent reporting of three acquaintance rapes, soon after…

1988-03-31 - Rape Avoiding Uninformed Judgment.pdf
In response to the Roe rape case, this opinion article challenges victim blaming, asserting that a…

1988-04-01 - Date Rape and the UJC.pdf
In the wake of four reported acquaintance rapes, this article circumscribes UVa's procedure for…