
The Physician's Guide to Domestic Violence.pdf
How to ask the right questions and recognize abuse- "another way to save a life"



The effectiveness of Empathy-Induction in Rape Education for Men- Berg & Fitzgerald .pdf
Paper presented in the form of a poster at the 1994 American Psychological Association Conference in…

Rape- When the Assailant is one of our own- Lowers.pdf
"Sexual assault isn't committed by just men. Lesbians who have been rapes by other lesbians are…

Rape- Untold campus story- Claire Kaplan.pdf
Article by Claire Kaplan discussing women, men, rape and its effects, along with how different…

Crisis Intervention- Rape Trauma Syndrome.pdf
Information on Rape Trauma Syndrome & its effects



Battered Wives- Centuries of Silence- Rovner.pdf
Article discussing battered wives and the history regarding the psychological complexity of this…

Author discusses male-on-male rape- Huneke.pdf
Author Michael Scarce addressed students about problems facing male rape victims

After the fact, To speak of rape- Schmidt.pdf
Article about how victims deal with rape, in particular, how they talk about it

1984-04-23 Coping.pdf
This opinion article discusses the rape of a University woman the preceding Thursday night by an…

An ex-girlfriend of Jesse Matthew writes a letter to a Fairfax judge alleging that Matthew…

Following the release of the Rolling Stone article, the Middle Eastern and Islamic Student…

1998-02-11 Cavalier Daily Decreased Student Supports Jeopardizes SAFE's Efforts.pdf
The Sexual Assault Facts and Education organization struggles to stay afloat, as it receives no…