

An article recounting the mounting discrepancies in "Jackie's" account of an alleged gang rape…

1984-09-05 NOW to Debate Hereford Letter.pdf
University President Frank Hereford declines an invitation by the local chapter of the National…

1997-07-24 Cavalier Daily Fifth Woman Claims Sexual Misconduct.pdf
Following previous similar accusations, a fifth female member of the military accuses Sergeant Major…

A letter to the Cavalier Daily from a UVA alumnus of the class of 1977, who is now at College Park,…

1983-12-2 Cavalier Daily Media to Focus on Black Concerns, Interests.pdf
Two University deans and two student leaders attempt to bridge the communication gap between black…

Cavalier Daily Sept 22, 1992 - Doctors Explain Uses of RU 486; French Drug Adds Fuel to Fires of Abortion Controversy.pdf
Controversy springs up over the development of mifepristone, a pregnancy-terminating drug.

Curb Abuse of Power, Not Sex-Rosen.pdf
"Misguided responses to harassment, date rape trivialize sexual crimes on campuses."

1996-10-23 Cavalier Daily And I Feel Fine.pdf
This opinion columnist reacts with chagrin to a court case in Bridgeport, Connecticut, in which a…

University faculty and students respond to the Rolling Stone article "A Rape on Campus" (later…

An ex-girlfriend of Jesse Matthew writes a letter to a Fairfax judge alleging that Matthew…

A report completed by the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in response to Rolling…