

1988-03-30 - Students Report Three More Rapes.pdf
Female students report three separate acquaintance rapes: One woman reported being raped in her…

1988-03-30 - Reporting Rape.pdf
This notice by the editor responds to the recent reporting of three acquaintance rapes, soon after…

1988-03-31 - Rape Avoiding Uninformed Judgment.pdf
In response to the Roe rape case, this opinion article challenges victim blaming, asserting that a…

1988-04-01 - Date Rape and the UJC.pdf
In the wake of four reported acquaintance rapes, this article circumscribes UVa's procedure for…

1988-04-01 - Women Must Take Greater Precautions.pdf
This article asserts that women should take greater safety precautions to avoid situations that may…

1988-04-05 - Women's Agenda, Women's Choices.pdf
This letter to the editor advertises the Women's Concerns Committee of Student Council as a…

1988-04-06 - Should Accused Be Nameless.pdf
This letter to the editor critiques the Cavalier Daily's decision to release the name of Richard…

1988-04-07 - Rape Victims, Experts Recall System's Flaws.pdf
University President O'Neill institutes revisions to UVa's rape adjudication policy, including the…

1988-04-07 - Rape Adjudication Process Needs Reform.pdf
This letter to the editor by a UVa law professor calls for amendments to the University's judicial…

1988-04-07 - Rape Seeking Justice part 2.pdf
This focus article on rape details several rape cases at UVa and the survivors' experiences of…

1988-04-20 - Rape Policy Coverage Needs Clarification.pdf
This letter to the editor by Dean of Students Robert Canevari clarifies some points in a previous…

1988-04-21 - Roe's Hearing Closed.pdf
Student Richard Roe, charged with rape after being accused of raping a 21-year old University woman…