

1987-04-23 - Pornography Censorship Not Justified.pdf
This opinion article objects to the censorship of pornography. It argues that pornography does not…

1987-04-20 - Wheeler Discusses Acquaintance Rape.pdf
University lecturer John Wheeler gives a talk about acquaintance rape, in which he discusses the…

1987-04-13 - Racist and Sexist Stereotypes Found in Graphic Accompanying Letter.pdf
This letter to the editor criticizes a graphic that accompanied a previous letter to the editor by…

1987-03-27 - Women's Group Protests Playboy.pdf
The Charlottesville chapter of NOW paints the slogan "Pornography the theory. Rape the practice." on…

1987-02-20 - Professor is Undeserving of 'Sexist' Moniker.pdf
This letter to the editor objects to recent students' complaints of sexism against English professor…

1987-02-12 - Women Face Bias in the Classroom.pdf
Bernice Sandler, executive director on the Status and Education of Women of the Association of…

1987-02-11 - CRs Produce Sexist Flyer.pdf
This letter to the editor points to sexism in a College Republican registration flyer, which…

1987-02-09 - Students Assaulted Saturday.pdf
Among four assaults occurring on the same Saturday evening, three women are attacked and verbally…

1987-01-29 - Students Organize New NOW Chapter.pdf
A group of University students and Charlottesville residents meet to plan the foundation of a new…

1986-11-25 - Task Force Tackles Women's Concerns.pdf
University President O'Neil's Task Force on Women investigates women's issues at UVa, including…

1986-11-17 - Female Employee Assaulted.pdf
A female University employee is assaulted between Dawson's Row and Cabell Hall by an unidentified…