

1997-09-17 Cavalier Daily Law Professor's Comments Draw Criticism.pdf
At the University of Texas, Reverend Jesse Jackson encourages students to boycott the classes of law…

Cavalier Daily May 27, 1954 - Is There Need to Fear Loss of Individuality.pdf
Various letters express concern about integrity and honor at the University. Although some of these…

1983-09-09 Cavalier Daily Increased Interracial Understanding Needed.pdf
This letter to the editor is written by Paul L. Puryear, the Dean of Afro-American Affairs. It…

1998-02-12 Cavalier Daily Same-sex Unions Deserve Equal Rights.pdf
This article criticizes the Honor Committees decision not to increase its numbers, asserting that…

1984-1-24 Cavalier Daily Gordon Gains Support, Withholds Details.pdf
Associate sociology professor Vivian Gordon makes public her complaint that she experienced racial…

1984-1-26 Cavalier Daily Gordon Filed Complaint When Appeals Exhausted.pdf
After filing for a federal investigation into her experience of racial discrimination at UVa,…

1984-1-2 Cavalier Daily Gordon Calls for Inquiry.pdf
Associate sociology professor Vivian Gordon requests a federal investigation of racial…

A forum held in the wake of a University parent reporting that her daughter was raped discusses…

1983-11-18 Cavalier Daily Flag Unwanted Symbol at Games.pdf
After the UVa color guard displays the Confederate flag at the homecoming football game, this letter…

1998-02-27 Cavalier Daily First Black Law Alumnus Recalls University Racism.pdf
John Merchant, the first black student to attend the UVA Law School after desegregation, discusses…

In response to a complaint filed by the Security on Campus organization on behalf of survivor Annie…

1996-10-01 Cavalier Daily Demystifying Media's Mistresses.pdf
This opinion columnist asserts that issues regarding women and adultery are often omitted from…