

1985-09-09 - Calendar Girls Not Seen As Typical.pdf
This letter to the editor objects to Pi Kappa Alpha's "The Girls of UVA" calendar on the grounds…

1996-04-05 Cavalier Daily Students Protest Abortion.pdf
The University branch of the pro-life organization First Right stages a protest on the Lawn during a…

1984-08-30 NOW Not to Protest 'Deep Throat' Show part 2.pdf
The Charlottesville chapter of the U.S. Junior Chamber ("Jaycees") holds its first coeducational…

Cavalier Daily Nov 12, 1975 - Setting Jack's Record Straight.pdf
A series of letters to the editor reacting to the Minories Pub protests: One letter argues that,…

Cavalier Daily Sept 12, 1975 - Nursing the Sexual Revolution.pdf
A satirical article by a male reporter lamenting that "girls have taken over the Nursing Dorm." The…

1983-11-21 Cavalier Daily ERA End to Discrimination Against Women.pdf
This letter to the editor supports the Equal Rights Amendment, on the grounds that it will help to…

1998-03-25 Cavalier Daily Gender Revolution Must Continue.pdf
This opinion article responds to a series of five articles in the Washington Post, entitled,…

1998-04-08 Cavalier Daily Women Must Take Action.pdf
This opinion article addresses the issue of sexual assault in the context of the sexual harassment…

Cavalier Daily Sept 25, 1992 - Common Evils.pdf
A letter to the editor expresses a pro-choice perspective and explores the "evils" that may result…

1987-04-23 - Pornography Censorship Not Justified.pdf
This opinion article objects to the censorship of pornography. It argues that pornography does not…

1998-04-21 Cavalier Daily Bashir Discusses Gender Equality, Kasindja Case.pdf
International law attorney and human rights activist Layli Miller Bashir gives a speech about US…

Gender-Justice Break- guide to the new civil rights law against violence against women.pdf
"A plain-English guide to the new civil rights law against women against women"
