

1997-01-29 Cavalier Daily Engendering Respect.pdf
In the weeks leading up to Black History Month, this opinion article discusses the trans-racial…

1997-02-05 Cavalier Daily Keeping Love Safe.pdf
In the midst of Valentine's Day festivities, this article gives advice on how to be safe while…

1998-01-29 Cavalier Daily Clinton's Familiar Rhetoric.pdf
In the aftermath of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, this opinion article reflects on Clinton's history…

1998-02-12 Cavalier Daily Same-sex Unions Deserve Equal Rights.pdf
This article criticizes the Honor Committees decision not to increase its numbers, asserting that…

Cavalier Daily Oct 3, 1974 - University Crime Rate Ranks Sixth in Nation.pdf
An article discussing crime in Charlottesville after the city's crime rate is ranked 6th highest…

Chemistry professor James Landers develops a technique to separate sperm cells from epithelial cells…

1987-04-13 - Racist and Sexist Stereotypes Found in Graphic Accompanying Letter.pdf
This letter to the editor criticizes a graphic that accompanied a previous letter to the editor by…

1987-02-11 - CRs Produce Sexist Flyer.pdf
This letter to the editor points to sexism in a College Republican registration flyer, which…

Following the release of the Rolling Stone article, the Middle Eastern and Islamic Student…

Cavalier Daily Sept 24, 1975 - Self-Starvation on the Rise.pdf
An article discussing the rise of anorexia nervosa in educated, middle-class adolescent girls,…

Cavalier Daily Apr 13, 1993 - Society Violations Weighed; University Reflects on Conflicting Nature of Founding Father.pdf
One article reports on initial discussions between University Police and the Committee for…

Vj Jenkins argues why Black should be capitalized when referring to a group of people.