

1997-04-15 Cavalier Daily Greater Problem.pdf
This letter to the editor responds to a recent incident wherein two sorority members asserted that…

1984-1-24 Cavalier Daily Gordon Gains Support, Withholds Details.pdf
Associate sociology professor Vivian Gordon makes public her complaint that she experienced racial…

1984-1-26 Cavalier Daily Gordon Filed Complaint When Appeals Exhausted.pdf
After filing for a federal investigation into her experience of racial discrimination at UVa,…

1984-1-2 Cavalier Daily Gordon Calls for Inquiry.pdf
Associate sociology professor Vivian Gordon requests a federal investigation of racial…

1996-12-05 Cavalier Daily Good ol' Boys.pdf
This opinion article reacts to recent allegations of the sexual assault and rape of female cadets by…

1998-03-25 Cavalier Daily Gender Revolution Must Continue.pdf
This opinion article responds to a series of five articles in the Washington Post, entitled,…

1983-10-03 Cavalier Daily Gay Students More Susceptible to Stress, Medical Officials Say.pdf
Student Health officials find that gay students are a high-stress group at UVA, due to the ordinary…

A photo gallery of a Board of Visitors meeting that focused on the ramifications of the Rolling…

1983-10-31 Cavalier Daily Distinct Policy.pdf
This letter to the editor objects to a previous Cavalier Daily editorial that correlated increased…

A forum held in the wake of a University parent reporting that her daughter was raped discusses…

1983-11-18 Cavalier Daily Flag Unwanted Symbol at Games.pdf
After the UVa color guard displays the Confederate flag at the homecoming football game, this letter…

1997-04-11 Cavalier Daily Fishbowl Frankness.pdf
The Fishbowl Discussions, sponsored by First-Year Council and featuring student speakers, provide a…