

U.S. District Judge Kevin Castel dismissed a defamation suit brought by three former Phi Kappa Psi…

U.S. District Judge Kevin Castel dismissed the lawsuit by three former members (George Elias IV,…

1998-03-05 Cavalier Daily Laying Blame, Delaying Integration.pdf
This opinion article addresses allegations of racism directed at the Greek system and the University…

1998-02-26 Cavalier Daily Complex Issue.pdf
This letter to the editor addresses the predominance of white students at fraternity and sorority…

1997-09-01 Cavalier Daily Robber Holds up University Student at Gunpoint for $25.pdf
A male student is held at gunpoint by a black male the morning after a fraternity party, and gives…

1997-04-16 Cavalier Daily Contradictions Permeate Editorial, News Pages.pdf
This article criticizes the Cavalier Daily's recent coverage of issues pertaining to sexual assault.…

1997-04-15 Cavalier Daily Greater Problem.pdf
This letter to the editor responds to a recent incident wherein two sorority members asserted that…

1997-04-08 Cavalier Daily Rohypnol Allegedly Strikes University.pdf
Two UVA sorority members allegedly ingest the date-rape drug Rohypnol while at a party. Colloquially…

1996-11-11 Cavalier Daily More than Just Words BETTER RES.pdf
This opinion article reacts to a debate over alcohol abuse and safety between the Fraternity Alumni…

Screen Shot 2016-06-15 at 12.25.57 PM.png
Interview with Liamarie Quinde, spring 2015, about her role in and observations of student advocacy…

1996-11-01 Cavalier Daily Sorority Members Discover Intruder.pdf
Pi Beta Phi sorority members report that an unidentified man entered their sorority house through an…

This poster lists the events taking place in Charlottesville for Sexual Assault and Domestic…