

Cavalier Daily Oct 9, 1975 - Female Athletes.pdf
In a letter to the editor, a female student speaks out against the fact that the Cavalier Daily's…

1985-01-24 Task Force to Conduct Rape Survey.pdf
The Charlottesville Rape Prevention Task Force, comprised of members of U.Va. and the local…

1984-09-26 Student Begins Area Petition.pdf
A nursing student, Linda Larsen, begins a petition to establish a community standard on whether…

1984-04-18 Women Ask Council Curb of Area Rapes.pdf
Charlottesville women's groups, led by Cyndi Taylor, appeal to the city council to curb a recent…

1988-05-21 - Grand Jury Indicts Roe in Rape Case.pdf
A Charlottesville Grand Jury indicts UVa student Richard Roe, charged with the rape of a female…

1987-03-27 - Women's Group Protests Playboy.pdf
The Charlottesville chapter of NOW paints the slogan "Pornography the theory. Rape the practice." on…

lgbt article.pdf
This letter to the editor argues that Bower's stance is exaggerated and perpetuates negative…

Staff Writer for New York times reflects on her 1992 sexual assault and the need for providing young…

1984-4-27 'Us vs. Them' Obstacle to Reducing Racial Tension.pdf
This letter to the editor by a white student ponders the nature of her own role in rectifying racial…

"The Martinsville Seven were a group of young black men executed in 1951 in Martinsville, Virginia…



Cav Daily Sept 9, 1992 - Investigators Find Inconsistencies.pdf
Witnesses' and fraternity members' accounts differ as police question them about a group of strange…

Assault investigators find inconsistencies-Ko & Loew.pdf
Two articles relating to the sexual assault attack at a party at the Pi Lambda Phi fraternity;…