

1998-04-23 Cavalier Daily Take Back the Night Must Accomodate Diversity.pdf
A student who attended the University's 10th annual Take Back the Night rally reports on his…

The UVa community, including the Minority Rights Coalition, Dean Groves, and the president of Black…

1997-04-11 Cavalier Daily Fishbowl Frankness.pdf
The Fishbowl Discussions, sponsored by First-Year Council and featuring student speakers, provide a…

1997-07-10 Cavalier Daily Wake Up, C-ville.pdf
This article responds to a previous article about an increase in AIDS, and to the news of two recent…

1997-09-19 Cavalier Daily Not Just a Myth.pdf
This opinion article responds to news that a gang rape was committed against a first-year student…

1998-02-05 Cavalier Daily Black History Month Provokes Interracial Reflection.pdf
During Black History Month, members of the UVA community reflect on racial issues, including the…

1983-11-10 Cavalier Daily True Self-Interest.pdf
This article argues that problems of racial discrimination must be addressed not only by blacks, but…

1984-2-16 Breaking Barriers.pdf
This opinion article asserts that social segregation by race is still prevalent at the University,…

1984-2-22 A Challenge.pdf
This opinion article reacts to a recent screening of the pornographic film "Deep Throat" on Grounds,…

1984-04-23 Coping.pdf
This opinion article discusses the rape of a University woman the preceding Thursday night by an…

1984-03-29 Sexual Orientation Discrimination Has No Place at Law School.pdf
This letter to the editor indicates that UVa's Law School is one of the only top American law…

An article recounting the mounting discrepancies in "Jackie's" account of an alleged gang rape…