

1998-06-18 Cavalier Daily Symptoms, Stereotypes.pdf
This article responds to the brutal murder of African-American man James Byrd, Jr. While it concedes…

1983-10-26 Cavalier Daily Feminists Deserve Respect from Schlafly.pdf
This article by a male University student strongly objects to a column by Phyllis Schlafly in a…

1996-11-13 Cavalier Daily Dropping Bombs and Chasing Skirts.pdf
This article reacts to a recent incident wherein three U.S. Army soldiers were charged with forcible…

1997-01-29 Cavalier Daily Engendering Respect.pdf
In the weeks leading up to Black History Month, this opinion article discusses the trans-racial…

1998-01-29 Cavalier Daily Clinton's Familiar Rhetoric.pdf
In the aftermath of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, this opinion article reflects on Clinton's history…

Cavalier Daily Oct 3, 1974 - University Crime Rate Ranks Sixth in Nation.pdf
An article discussing crime in Charlottesville after the city's crime rate is ranked 6th highest…

1987-04-13 - Racist and Sexist Stereotypes Found in Graphic Accompanying Letter.pdf
This letter to the editor criticizes a graphic that accompanied a previous letter to the editor by…

1987-02-11 - CRs Produce Sexist Flyer.pdf
This letter to the editor points to sexism in a College Republican registration flyer, which…

Following the release of the Rolling Stone article, the Middle Eastern and Islamic Student…

Cavalier Daily Sept 24, 1975 - Self-Starvation on the Rise.pdf
An article discussing the rise of anorexia nervosa in educated, middle-class adolescent girls,…

1983-12-2 Cavalier Daily Panel Spurs Change in Issues Coverage.pdf
University media organizations and a University black affairs committee seek to provide better…

Rolling Stone acknowledges an investigation into the discrepancies relayed in its article "A Rape…