

The UVA Women's Center and the Avon Foundation launch a social media campaign to combat sexual…

1986-04-16 - Columns With Sexual Slurs Don't Belong on Edit Page.pdf
This letter to the editor criticizes the Cavalier Daily's syndicated publication of an article by…

1983-11-14 Cavalier Daily Elimination of Abortion Coverage Discriminatory, Impractical.pdf
This letter to the editor asserts that eliminating abortion coverage from the UVa Student Health…

Cavalier Daily Sept 18, 1975 - Judge Halts Sterilization.pdf
In England. Judge Rose Heilbron rules against sterilizing a mentally disabled girl with Soto's…

1996-03-28 Cavalier Daily What is Sexual Assault.pdf
An informational page in the Cavalier Daily defining sexual assault, the University's policy…

1996-08-24 Cavalier Daily Don't Walk Home Alone.pdf
An advertisement for the Student Watch, a call line that provides students with an escort when…

A photo gallery of a Board of Visitors meeting that focused on the ramifications of the Rolling…

1997-01-27 Cavalier Daily Take a Stand Against Sexual Violence.pdf
A notice that reads "Take a Stand Against Sexual Violence" and advertises a gathering on the Lawn…

1998-06-05 Cavalier Daily The Honor Men.pdf
A year-in-review issue of the Cavalier Daily for 1997-1998 features the "Honor Men" poem, including…

1984-04-03 The Wrong Remedy.pdf
This statement by the Cavalier Daily opposes the inclusion of sexual orientation in the University's…

1984-04-02 Equal Rights.pdf
This statement by the Cavalier Daily expresses support of Gay Awareness Week's efforts to reduce…

1984-03-28 Rape and Assault Awareness Week.pdf
This advertisement promotes Rape and Sexual Assault Awareness Week events, including a screening of…