April 3, 1984 · Cavalier Daily

The Wrong Remedy

This statement by the Cavalier Daily opposes the inclusion of sexual orientation in the University's nondiscrimination policy, on the basis that gays are not (and have never been) explicitly discriminated against. The article states that the University's intention to include sexual orientation in the nondiscrimination policy stems from an impulse to enhance applicants' perception of the UVa Law School.


1984-04-03 The Wrong Remedy.pdf
Cavalier Daily
Cavalier Daily
Cavalier Daily
The Wrong Remedy
Certain perceptions about the University must change. Too often, people across the country see the University as a closed-minded, conservative, southern school which resists all change, even when it means sacrificing civil rights. But there are right and wrong ways to change perceptions. Putting disclaimers on admissions applications is the wrong way to change them.
Gay and Lesbian Law Students Association members fear the University's image deters from attending Virginia. To remedy situation, they are, in effect, calling for a statement of non-discrimination the basis of sexual orientation to be included on all admissions applications. This statement would appear with other statements of non-discrimination on the basis of race, sex and physical handicaps.
Homosexuals are not now discriminated against. And unlike the groups on the non-discrimination policy statement, homosexuals have never been explicitly discriminated against. Other groups are included in the non-discrimination policy statement because at one time they were denied equal opportunities. The item was included on the admissions applications as a statement of policy change, ensuring of thee groups that they would be treated equally in the admissions process.
But even GALLSA members admit that gays have never been discriminated against in admissions. There is no reason to include such a policy statement along with these others.
GALLSA members wish to include the new policy statement primarily to enhance perception of the University. They argue it is the first step in making homosexuals view the University community as more open.
But the inclusion of the new policy statement would have little or no effect. Prospective students who really want to learn about aspects of the University consult friends and information guides, not tiny statements on applications.
Most other top law schools include such statements on their applications. And proponents of the change argue that Virginia’s lack of a similar policy statement is very noticable to applicants.
Nevertheless, conformity is no reason to change. The statement is as unnecessary at other schools as it is at the University.
If no discrimination exists, there is no reason to include a statement of non-discrimination on admissions applications. If gays and University administrators truly wish to change misguided perceptions of the University regarding attitudes about homosexuality, they should publicize events and servicers for the benefit of gays in information guides. A policy statement about the treatment of homosexuals on applications would be out of place and ineffectual.
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Date Added August 7, 2016
Date Modifed April 30, 2018
Collection Cavalier Daily: articles about LGBTQ issues

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