

1997-09-18 Cavalier Daily Women Must Embrace Feminist Label.pdf
An opinion columnist asserts that people are afraid to identify as feminists, and seeks to clarify…

1998-03-04 Cavalier Daily Let Women Make Playboy Choice.pdf
This opinion article responds to a Playboy ad in the Cavalier Daily, seeking students to appear in…

1996-09-10 Cavalier Daily Single-sex Scrutiny.pdf
In the wake of the Supreme Court ruling that VMI's all-male policy was unconstitutional, this…

1996-08-28 Cavalier Daily Whole Women.pdf
This opinion article discusses the recent shift from all-male to co-ed of the Citadel, a military…

This opinion columnist reacts to the results of an Association of American Universities survey that…

1984-11-15 Panelists Debate Legal Aspects of Pornography.pdf
A local panel of speakers discusses whether it is constitutional to ban pornography, given the First…

1984-09-27 Pornography at the University.pdf
This article recapitulates the debate about pornography at UVa the preceding year. It discusses…

1984-09-04 Should Deep Throat Be Deep-Sixed.pdf
This opinion article responds to feminist groups' efforts to ban a screening of the pornographic…

Cavalier Daily Nov 3, 1975 - Women's Groups Plan Actions Against Minories.pdf
The Radical Feminist Union and the Charlottesville chapter of the National Organization of Women…

UVA Group is accused of sexism-Morrison.pdf
Complaints also allege illicit drinking on Campus- Complaints Prompt prove of UVA Group

Cavalier Daily Nov 21, 1975 - Issues Degrading to Women.pdf
A series of letters to the editor reacting to protests at the Minories Pub, a Charlottesville bar…

Cavalier Daily Sept 23, 1975 - Panelists Examine Women's Role in Society.pdf
In a panel discussion at the Law School, Dorothy McDiarmid, Lynne Edgerton, and Phoebe Hall discuss…