

In Other Words-Responding to Sexual Assault-An Urgent Need.pdf
Women's Center Newsletter during women's history month

Casteen orders probe of UVA literary society-Associated Press.pdf
"The University of Virginia's president has ordered an investigation into allegations of sexism and…

University staff member- policies on sexual assault .pdf
List of policies on sexual assault, provided by a university staff member

Cavalier Daily Oct 5, 1992 - Committee Strives for Awareness.pdf
As part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the Sexual Assault and Violence issues team plans to…

Cav Daily Sept 3, 1992 - Darden Seeks to Rid School of Gender Bias.pdf
Darden implements initiatives to address reports of sexual harassment among the faculty.

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Interview with Liamarie Quinde, spring 2015, about her role in and observations of student advocacy…

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Interview with Emily Renda, spring 2015, about her role in and observations of student advocacy and…

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Interview with Brian Head, spring 2015, about his role in and observations of student advocacy and…

Center's report reflects growth, expansion- White .pdf
"More than 21,000 people used the Women's Center's services last year- a 5,000 person jump from…

1998-02-25 Cavalier Daily Minority Students Bring Concerns to President's Office.pdf
University President John Casteen III meets with minority student leaders to discuss the expansion…

Panel responses slow to date-rape problems-Johnson.pdf
"It's getting easier for rape victims at the University of Virginia to tell authorities about it,…

Internal university panels were created as a way for students to press their cases of sexual assault…