

Martese Johnson writes an op-ed about his arrest on March 18, 2015 by Alcohol Beverage Control…

March for gay rights draws 120- Sandlin.pdf
Article describing Charlottesville's first pride rally

This resource provides information about what occurred between the time Jesse Matthew, Jr. became a…

1984-09-05 Letters to the Editor (Deep Throat).pdf
Multiple letters to the editor react to NOW's protests against the screening of the pornographic…

Law Symposium Examines Same-Sex marriage, gay issues.pdf
Article discussing a symposium held at UVA in which the history of sexuality & same-sex marriage was…

1984-04-06 Law School Must State Its Gay Policy.pdf
This letter to the editor critiques a previous editorial which claimed that the Law School need not…

1983-08-30 Cavalier Daily King March Suffers from Lack of Leadership, Unresponsive Crowds.pdf
A "Jobs, Peace, and Freedom" race rally at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. fails to muster…

1985-01-30 Kilbourne Ad Images Hurt Women, Men.pdf
Media analyst Jean Kilbourne delivers a speech in Old Cabell Hall regarding harmful gendered…

"CHARLOTTESVILLE — A federal jury has awarded $3 million in damages to a former University of…

Cavalier Daily Sept 18, 1975 - Judge Halts Sterilization.pdf
In England. Judge Rose Heilbron rules against sterilizing a mentally disabled girl with Soto's…

In this article, arguments are made about why and why not names of alleged sexual assault survivors…

Cavalier Daily Nov 21, 1975 - Issues Degrading to Women.pdf
A series of letters to the editor reacting to protests at the Minories Pub, a Charlottesville bar…