
Domestic Violence- educational.pdf
Informational packet containing different explanations of domestic violence and its effects and…

Crisis Intervention- Rape Trauma Syndrome.pdf
Information on Rape Trauma Syndrome & its effects


Beyer Wants to have a sexual assault registry- articles.pdf
Lt. Gov. Donald S. Beyer proposes a sex offender registry for VA, as well as an elimination of the…

Cavalier Daily Oct 5, 1992 - Committee Strives for Awareness.pdf
As part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the Sexual Assault and Violence issues team plans to…

Cav Daily Sept 3, 1992 - Darden Seeks to Rid School of Gender Bias.pdf
Darden implements initiatives to address reports of sexual harassment among the faculty.

Staff Senate.docx
A letter from the Staff Senate expresses its stance on sexual violence in the University of Virginia…

Judge Upholds law making gender-related crimes a civil-rights violation- Bernstein.pdf
Latest ruling on making gender-motivated crimes a Civil-Rights violation expected to reach the…

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Interview with Tommy Reid, spring 2015, about his role in and observations of student advocacy and…

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Interview with Sarah Surface, spring 2015, about her role in and observations of student advocacy…

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Interview with Liamarie Quinde, spring 2015, about her role in and observations of student advocacy…

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Interview with Emily Renda, spring 2015, about her role in and observations of student advocacy and…

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Interview with Brian Head, spring 2015, about his role in and observations of student advocacy and…