

1996-09-02 Cavalier Daily Skits Entertain New Students But Fail to Incite Discussion (part 1).pdf
Students react to the Grounds for Discussion skits, part of the First Year Focus Program that aims…

1997-09-19 Cavalier Daily Sisson Highlights Advantages Behind Single-Sex Education (part 1).pdf
Assistant Dean of Students Shamin Sisson speaks to the UVA chapter of NOW about the benefits of…

1998-02-02 Cavalier Daily Simple Steps Prevent Assault v. Administration Must Act.pdf
Students and "Viewpoint" columnists provide differing ideas on how to prevent sexual assault. The…

1997-03-27 Cavalier Daily Silent Voices.pdf
This opinion article considers the disparity between the "one in four" statistic and the paucity of…

1996-10-21 Cavalier Daily Silent Statistics.pdf
An article by Claire N. Kaplan of the UVA Women's Center reacts to recent increases in crime in the…

The University launches the Survivor Support Network, a new organization that trains certain faculty…

An article critiquing a new VA law requiring University personnel to report evidence of sexual…

1984-1-20 Cavalier Daily Sexism Persistent Problem for University, Greeks.pdf
This letter to the editor by a male student asserts that sexism is prevalent in the Greek system,…

1998-02-23 Cavalier Daily Race Relations More Complex Than Terms Allow.pdf
This opinion article responds to the Virginia General Assembly's reinstatement of sex education…

Renewed awareness of sexual assault following the Rolling Stone article gives rise to new sexual…

1998-02-18 Cavalier Daily SARA Big Gig.pdf
An advertisement for an event called the "Big Gig," featuring a cappella singing groups, to benefit…

1998-02-12 Cavalier Daily Same-sex Unions Deserve Equal Rights.pdf
A gay columnist writes about the current lack of legal protection surrounding gay marriage, and…