

1997-02-05 Cavalier Daily Jury Finds O.J. Guilty, Awards $8.5 Million.pdf
A civil jury finds O.J. Simpson guilty of the murder of his wife and her friend, and orders him to…

1997-09-10 Cavalier Daily Judge Lets Jones' Legal Team Off Case.pdf
A federal judge permits Paula Jones' lawyers to withdraw from her sexual harassment case against…

1998-02-05 Cavalier Daily In the Spotlight.pdf
The US House of Representatives considers the Accuracy in Campus Crime Reporting Act (House…

1997-09-09 Cavalier Daily Hager Opens Racial Issue, Sparks Debate Among Other Candidates.pdf
Virginia Lieutenant Governor candidate John Hager publicly supports California's anti-affirmative…

1984-1-2 Cavalier Daily Gordon Calls for Inquiry.pdf
Associate sociology professor Vivian Gordon requests a federal investigation of racial…

1996-12-05 Cavalier Daily Good ol' Boys.pdf
This opinion article reacts to recent allegations of the sexual assault and rape of female cadets by…

1998-03-25 Cavalier Daily Gender Revolution Must Continue.pdf
This opinion article responds to a series of five articles in the Washington Post, entitled,…

A photo gallery of a Board of Visitors meeting that focused on the ramifications of the Rolling…

1983-10-31 Cavalier Daily Distinct Policy.pdf
This letter to the editor objects to a previous Cavalier Daily editorial that correlated increased…

1997-07-24 Cavalier Daily Fifth Woman Claims Sexual Misconduct.pdf
Following previous similar accusations, a fifth female member of the military accuses Sergeant Major…

1983-10-26 Cavalier Daily Feminists Deserve Respect from Schlafly.pdf
This article by a male University student strongly objects to a column by Phyllis Schlafly in a…

1998-03-20 Cavalier Daily Fairstein Increases Awareness About Sexual Assault with Entertaining Fiction Recitation.pdf
Linda Fairstein reads from her book "Likely to Die" at the Virginia Festival of the Book, and…