

Cavalier Daily Apr 9, 1993 - Romantic Side of Jefferson Revealed.pdf
In the weeks leading up to Jefferson's 250th birthday, an article discusses his "romantic"…

Cavalier Daily Nov 21, 1975 - Issues Degrading to Women.pdf
A series of letters to the editor reacting to protests at the Minories Pub, a Charlottesville bar…

Cavalier Daily Nov 6, 1975 - Women Support Minories Boycott.pdf
Female students boycott Minories, a Charlottesville pub named and styled after the London district…

Cavalier Daily Nov 3, 1975 - Women's Groups Plan Actions Against Minories.pdf
The Radical Feminist Union and the Charlottesville chapter of the National Organization of Women…

Cavalier Daily Oct 29, 1975 - Rape Report Fails to Encompass All Aspects.pdf
A report on rape by the Chairman of the Citizens' Task Force on Crime labels Charlottesville as…

Cavalier Daily Oct 24, 1975 - Crime Increasingly Plagues City, Students.pdf
Statistics show that Charlottesville's crime rate is 50% higher than the national average, including…

Cavalier Daily Oct 10, 1975 - Alleged Rapist to Face Trial.pdf
Defendant Raymond Lee Hester goes on trial for the rapes of a University student and a Piedmont…

Cavalier Daily Sept 24, 1975 - Self-Starvation on the Rise.pdf
An article discussing the rise of anorexia nervosa in educated, middle-class adolescent girls,…

Cavalier Daily Sept 18, 1975 - Judge Halts Sterilization.pdf
In England. Judge Rose Heilbron rules against sterilizing a mentally disabled girl with Soto's…

Cavalier Daily Sept 5, 1975 - Woman Sues Drug Firm in Dalkon Shield Case.pdf
University student Christina Osequeda sues the A.H. Robbins Co. for an allegedly defective Dalkon…