

Cavalier Daily Oct 5, 1992 - Disillusioning Decision; Stereotypes..pdf
An article criticizes Virginia Gov. Douglas Wilder's failure to appoint gender and racially diverse…

Jefferson Society Rude, Crude, and Social Unacceptable-Burger.pdf
Editorial Response to David Garland's guest editorial regarding to recent allegations against the…

1997-09-19 Cavalier Daily Sisson Highlights Advantages Behind Single-Sex Education (part 1).pdf
Assistant Dean of Students Shamin Sisson speaks to the UVA chapter of NOW about the benefits of…

A report from a local Charlottesville station on a controversial mural in Old Cabell Hall-- "The…

Letter to Mr. Casteen about Jefferson Society.pdf
"The Jefferson Society fosters an environment hostile to women" --letter written to UVA president…

1997-04-18 Cavalier Daily Anti-Violence Rally Unites Community.pdf
The UVA chapter of the National Organization for Women hosts its ninth annual Take Back the Night…

1996-09-23 Cavalier Daily VMI Decides to Allow Females to Enter, Remain Public University.pdf
Following a Supreme Court ruling that the Virginia Military Institute must either become…

In a wide-ranging and thorough article, Christine Stoddard updates readers on the changes that have…

A Woman's Place- Bunn- .pdf
Questioning paradigms of femininity in the sorority system

Cavalier Daily Oct 7, 1992 - VMI's Options.pdf
An article explores VMI's options, following a court ruling upholding the school's single-sex…

Cav Daily Sept 22, 1954 - You Name Them.pdf
A reporter's disparaging account of the acceptance of 6 daughters of professors into the University,…

1985-09-27 - Tradition.pdf
This article contrasts the University's initial antagonism to admitting women in the interests of…