

1997-02-05 Cavalier Daily Jury Finds O.J. Guilty, Awards $8.5 Million.pdf
A civil jury finds O.J. Simpson guilty of the murder of his wife and her friend, and orders him to…

1997-02-07 Cavalier Daily Chicago Rallies Around Rape Victim.pdf
This article reacts to the raping, choking, and poisoning of a 9-year old Chicago girl anonymously…

1997-02-17 Cavalier Daily Selective Feminism.pdf
This article ponders the issue of victim blaming in cases of sexual harassment, citing the…

1997-02-21 Cavalier Daily NOW Acts Fairly.pdf
This letter to the editor responds to a previous opinion article by Peter Brownfeld entitled…

1997-07-24 Cavalier Daily Fifth Woman Claims Sexual Misconduct.pdf
Following previous similar accusations, a fifth female member of the military accuses Sergeant Major…

1997-09-09 Cavalier Daily Hager Opens Racial Issue, Sparks Debate Among Other Candidates.pdf
Virginia Lieutenant Governor candidate John Hager publicly supports California's anti-affirmative…

1997-09-10 Cavalier Daily Judge Lets Jones' Legal Team Off Case.pdf
A federal judge permits Paula Jones' lawyers to withdraw from her sexual harassment case against…

1997-09-17 Cavalier Daily Possible Army Integration on Rocky Ground.pdf
This opinion article responds to a report that cites instances of sexual misconduct in the military…

1997-09-17 Cavalier Daily Law Professor's Comments Draw Criticism.pdf
At the University of Texas, Reverend Jesse Jackson encourages students to boycott the classes of law…

1997-09-19 Cavalier Daily Objectionable Ad.pdf
This letter to the editor objects to an advertisement placed in a previous Cavalier Daily issue,…

1997-09-23 Cavalier Daily Megan's Law Oppresses Ex-Prisoners.pdf
This article responds to the enactment in several states of Megan's Law, which mandates that…

1998-01-26 Cavalier Daily Offensive Web Page Costs Teacher his Job.pdf
Cameron Barrett, a computer technology teacher at a Michigan marketing company, is fired after…