

Jefferson Society members allege environment hostile to women.pdf
"Sparks flew at Friday night's meeting of the Jefferson Literary and Debating Society following the…

Jefferson Society Rude, Crude, and Social Unacceptable-Burger.pdf
Editorial Response to David Garland's guest editorial regarding to recent allegations against the…

Jefferson Society to face allegations-Willett.pdf
"University President John Casteen Friday responded to allegations of sexual harassment and underage…

Jefferson Society- a better atmosphere-Mann.pdf
Viewpoint- "As a woman previously free to argue from the standpoint, "I am a member of the Jefferson…

Letter to Mr. Casteen about Jefferson Society.pdf
"The Jefferson Society fosters an environment hostile to women" --letter written to UVA president…

Cavalier Daily Sept 3, 1975 - More Women Don Hard Hats and Business Suits.pdf
University statistics show an increase in the number of opportunities and instances of women…

An editorial asserting that the "Rolling Stone story is a symptom of a larger problem of radical…

An article detailing the conversation around a controversial mural on the UVA campus--"A Student's…

1985-09-12 - New Women Meet With Praise.pdf
Student and faculty reactions to Washington and Lee's admission of its first 107 female students are…

1987-09-30 - NOW Addresses Concerns.pdf
The recently established Charlottesville branch of the National Organization for Women focuses on…

Cavalier Daily Sept 16, 1974 - NOW Chapter Forms to Aid Local Women.pdf
Fifty to sixty women found the Charlottesville chapter of the National Organization of Women, to…

Cavalier Daily Sept 12, 1975 - Nursing the Sexual Revolution.pdf
A satirical article by a male reporter lamenting that "girls have taken over the Nursing Dorm." The…