March 14, 2025 · University of Virginia

“I have the power to change this”: College Women’s Agency and Sexual Assault.

Abstract segment: "Noting the prevalence of sexual violence at American Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs), this study aims to inform discourse on college women's post-assault experiences and perceptions of the institution. Using a feminist, post-structuralist framework, this study examines the narratives of 26 traditionally-aged college women who experienced campus sexual assault (CSA). The following research questions are addressed: 1) What are the forms of college women's agency in the period following an experience of CSA? 2) In what ways do woman who have experienced CSA label these experiences? 3) How are self-constructed labels for experiences of CSA similar to and/or different from institutional definitions and labels? 4) How do women who have experienced CSA understand the role of the institutional estate in these situations? Women's narratives were collected in interviews that ranged from 45-153 minutes in length (mean: 69.9 minutes) and a cyberfeminist reflexive website was used for transparency and to gather participant feedback on the research process."
Lauren J. Germain
University of Virginia
Brian Pusser
Nancy L. Deutsch
Curry School of Education
Date Added November 5, 2016
Date Modifed October 17, 2017
Collection UVA scholarship on sexual violence, 1974-

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