

Cavalier Daily Oct 1, 1992 - Beyond Grounds; Attacks Reveal Troubled Relationship.pdf
An article encourages student/community relations by advertising a "take back the neighborhood"…

1984-04-11 Do Not Label Homosexuals 'Deviants'.pdf
This letter to the editor negates claims by Iris, a University magazine focusing on women's issues,…

Courtship Violence (Roscoe).pdf
The present investigation examined female undergraduates' beliefs concerning what types of physical…

Abstract: This research examines the impact of technological advancements on the modern soldier.…

Albemarle schools report 240 student assaults-McKenzie.pdf
Albemarle schools reported 240 assaults involving students during the 1991-1992 year- most of the…

4 women report sexual attacks-McKenzie.pdf
"Four area women have been sexually assaulted or raped in the last seven days, but police say they…

Society's transgressions transcend call to Judicial response-Dally.pdf
"The Committee for Constructive Reform has requested assistance from the administration of the…

Jefferson Literary and Debating Society member Brian Dally writes about the climate of Jefferson…

1997-04-16 Cavalier Daily Contradictions Permeate Editorial, News Pages.pdf
This article criticizes the Cavalier Daily's recent coverage of issues pertaining to sexual assault.…

1988-03-23 - Iris Denied Funding.pdf
"Iris," a student-run journal focusing on women's issues, is denied student activity funding.…

lgbt article.pdf
A letter to the editor written by a gay student asserts that although displays of affection between…