

Jesse Matthew pleads guilty to charges of attempted capital murder, abduction with intent to defile,…

1996-03-19 - Cavalier Daily Readers Get More than Porno Watchers.pdf
A female student columnist argues that porn films are geared towards a male audience, since they…

The Obama administration creates a task force that addresses sexual misconduct and assault…

1998-03-05 Cavalier Daily Laying Blame, Delaying Integration.pdf
This opinion article addresses allegations of racism directed at the Greek system and the University…

1984-03-30 Male Strippers Are Sexist, Too.pdf
This letter to the editor responds to the Student Council's recent censure of pornography by…

An act aimed at educating elementary through high school students about healthy romantic…

The University Judiciary Committee dissolves its sexual assault subcommittee as a result of the…

Woman assaulted, beaten at fraternity- Eshleman.pdf
Police: attacker tried to choke UVA student after luring her into room, attempting rape

Cav Daily Sept 1 1992 - New Posts for Women & Faculty Woes at Darden.pdf
President Casteen appoints women and minorities to adminstrative positions to further diversity. In…

1998-06-18 Cavalier Daily Symptoms, Stereotypes.pdf
This article responds to the brutal murder of African-American man James Byrd, Jr. While it concedes…

1986-09-04 - Flowers Cleared of Rape Charges.pdf
A grand jury in South Carolina acquits four Clemson University football players of sexually…

1983-10-26 Cavalier Daily Feminists Deserve Respect from Schlafly.pdf
This article by a male University student strongly objects to a column by Phyllis Schlafly in a…