

The Psychological Impact of sexual Assault.pdf
"This report will provide a brief review of selected background literature in order to answer common…

This is not a love story- Richman.pdf
"What One Date Rape Case Tells Us About Men, Women and Washington"

Throwing Rice in Paradise- Graham- The Declaration.pdf
A Hawaiian same-sex marriage case affects gay couples everywhere

TIME- When Violence hits home.pdf
"The Simpson case awakens America to the epidemic of domestic abusr

University staff member- policies on sexual assault .pdf
List of policies on sexual assault, provided by a university staff member

UVA remembers assault survivors- Jerzak.pdf
Article regarding events during Sexual Awareness Month

UVA vigil targets sexual violence- Sanminiatelli .pdf
Rise in reported assaults spurs students and faculty to sponsor discussion on sexual violence at UVA

Violence Update- The Medical Consequences of Rape- Koss.pdf
Discussing some medical consequences of sexual assault and rape, including STDs and HIV. This…

We have to stop it!.pdf
Personal account regarding a sexual assault, and a woman who spoke up about it.

What to do when someone you know is raped.pdf
Informational packet taken from an interview of Linda Sandford in People magazine regarding…

Women reclaim night in Downtown march- Hill .pdf
"Marchers, including students and community leaders, gather downtown with banners and other signs."…

Women's Center offers care, nurturing environment- Ogunnaike.pdf
Article on the resources provided by the Women's Center at UVA, including counseling to survivors of…
