

Newsweek- Victims of Rape-Should their names be kept secret?.pdf
Newsweek magazine discussing the media's role in the Kennedy case and the growing controversy over…

Out and About at the University- Beauvais.pdf
Article about discrimination against women and LGBTQ women at UVA

People rally to prevent assault- Baltimore .pdf
Marchers in Charlottesville and at UVA in the annual Take Back the Night rally

Project displays shirts, distributes information- Sale.pdf
As part of Sexual Assault Awareness week, the Sexual assault fact & education organization kicked…

Raising a voice.pdf
150 University students and Charlottesville residents march as part of the Take Back the Night event

Rape and Denial- Vachss.pdf
Discussing the Violence against Women Act as a federal "nonsolution"

Rape victim still tormented by memories- Sarris.pdf
Article is the first in a four-part series on rape in the UVA and Charlottesville community: "Mary"…

Rape- Untold campus story- Claire Kaplan.pdf
Article by Claire Kaplan discussing women, men, rape and its effects, along with how different…

Some men join the fight against abuse- Hatch.pdf
Article about men joining in the fight against sexual assault in order to prevent rape by educating…


Standing up to Assault- Pour.pdf
Article discussing Claire Kaplan's efforts to provide new coordination for rape prevention resources…

Students fill the street for Take Back the Night- Frank.pdf
16th annual Take Back the Night in Charlottesville looks to increase awareness about violence and…

Rape- When the Assailant is one of our own- Lowers.pdf
"Sexual assault isn't committed by just men. Lesbians who have been rapes by other lesbians are…