

1984-02-01 Views About Pornography on Grounds.pdf
Various letters to the editor respond to a recent showing of the pornographic film "Deep Throat" on…

1984-01-31 University Showing of Porno Film Legitimizes Sexual Violence.pdf
This letter to the editor objects to a showing of the pornographic film "Deep Throat" on Grounds, on…

1983-11-22 Cavalier Daily Proposed Change of Abortion Insurance not Chauvinistic.pdf
In response to a previous letter to the editor that supported including abortion on the Student…

1983-11-21 Cavalier Daily ERA End to Discrimination Against Women.pdf
This letter to the editor supports the Equal Rights Amendment, on the grounds that it will help to…

1983-11-14 Cavalier Daily Elimination of Abortion Coverage Discriminatory, Impractical.pdf
This letter to the editor asserts that eliminating abortion coverage from the UVa Student Health…

1983-10-26 Cavalier Daily Feminists Deserve Respect from Schlafly.pdf
This article by a male University student strongly objects to a column by Phyllis Schlafly in a…

1983-09-30 Cavalier Daily Insensitive Articles Offend Ladies, Women.pdf
This letter to the editor by a female student objects to a previous column on "ladies' restrooms" in…

1983-09-01 Cavalier Daily Pentagon Might Register Women.pdf
The Pentagon drafts legislation that would make some women eligible for the draft for the first…

This article is a film review for "Country" (2005). The movie follows the story of Josie Aimes in…

1983-08-30 Cavalier Daily Playboy Spread has Little Effect on University Image, Fund Drive.pdf
The "Girls of the ACC" issue of Playboy, featuring photos of female University students Cara Lee…

1998-04-21 Cavalier Daily Bashir Discusses Gender Equality, Kasindja Case.pdf
International law attorney and human rights activist Layli Miller Bashir gives a speech about US…

1998-04-08 Cavalier Daily Women Must Take Action.pdf
This opinion article addresses the issue of sexual assault in the context of the sexual harassment…