

This article is a film review for "Country" (2005). The movie follows the story of Josie Aimes in…

Cavalier Daily Oct 2, 1992 - Potential Tokenism Ruins Feminist Cause.pdf
A discussion of several female Congressional candidates, including Lynn Yeakel, Carol Mosely,…

1998-04-01 Cavalier Daily Playboy Arrives at Mr. Jefferson's University.pdf
Playboy releases its "Women of the ACC Issue" featuring female students. An article by a male…

1997-02-17 Cavalier Daily Selective Feminism.pdf
This article ponders the issue of victim blaming in cases of sexual harassment, citing the…

1996-09-26 Cavalier Daily Women 1, Tradition 0.pdf
This opinion columnist opposes the Virginia Military Institute's shift from an all-male institution…

1984-2-13 Feminists Recycle Same Reactionary Attitudes.pdf
This opinion article critiques a previous article by Wallie Mason that posited that pornography…

Cavalier Daily Sept 3, 1975 - Women Find Working as Trainers Exciting.pdf
Two female marine mammal trainers at Mystic Marinelife Aquarium discuss the importance of patience…

1983-09-01 Cavalier Daily Pentagon Might Register Women.pdf
The Pentagon drafts legislation that would make some women eligible for the draft for the first…

1984-02-03 A Pathetic Attempt.pdf
This article discusses a protest held by College Rep. Marie Hawthorne against the screening of the…

Cavalier Daily Nov 6, 1975 - Women Support Minories Boycott.pdf
Female students boycott Minories, a Charlottesville pub named and styled after the London district…

1984-09-05 NOW to Debate Hereford Letter.pdf
University President Frank Hereford declines an invitation by the local chapter of the National…

1986-04-17 - Women Enjoy Increasing Options.pdf
This letter to the editor criticizes the Cavalier Daily's disclosure of the name of rape survivor…