

1983-11-21 Cavalier Daily ERA End to Discrimination Against Women.pdf
This letter to the editor supports the Equal Rights Amendment, on the grounds that it will help to…

Council reject input resolution-Kate.pdf
"For the second year in a row, Student Council voted down a resolution requiring Council members to…

This opinion columnist recounts a night during which she and four female friends received catcalls…

Cavalier Daily Sept 12, 1975 - Nursing the Sexual Revolution.pdf
A satirical article by a male reporter lamenting that "girls have taken over the Nursing Dorm." The…

Cavalier Daily Nov 12, 1975 - Setting Jack's Record Straight.pdf
A series of letters to the editor reacting to the Minories Pub protests: One letter argues that,…

1984-08-30 NOW Not to Protest 'Deep Throat' Show part 2.pdf
The Charlottesville chapter of the U.S. Junior Chamber ("Jaycees") holds its first coeducational…

1984-08-28 Washington & Lee to Admit Women Next Year.pdf
After conducting studies and surveying student and faculty opinion, Washington and Lee University…

1996-04-19 Cavalier Daily Women Reclaim Night in Downtown Mall March (part 1).pdf
More than 100 women participate in the Take Back the Night march from the Downtown Mall to the…

Cavalier Daily Oct 12, 1992 - Open VMI to Fairness...Or Privatize Tradition.pdf
University students critique the recent ruling upholding VMI's all-male status, and criticize the…

1996-09-23 Cavalier Daily Life Isn't Fair.pdf
This opinion article responds to a recent instance in which a black student claimed that a delivery…

1996-09-16 Cavalier Daily Earning Equality.pdf
This opinion article discusses the unequal funding for men's and women's college sports, and unequal…

1985-09-09 - Calendar Girls Not Seen As Typical.pdf
This letter to the editor objects to Pi Kappa Alpha's "The Girls of UVA" calendar on the grounds…