

1984-1-26 Cavalier Daily Gordon Filed Complaint When Appeals Exhausted.pdf
After filing for a federal investigation into her experience of racial discrimination at UVa,…

1984-1-24 Cavalier Daily Gordon Gains Support, Withholds Details.pdf
Associate sociology professor Vivian Gordon makes public her complaint that she experienced racial…

1984-1-2 Cavalier Daily Gordon Calls for Inquiry.pdf
Associate sociology professor Vivian Gordon requests a federal investigation of racial…

1984-1-20 Cavalier Daily Sexism Persistent Problem for University, Greeks.pdf
This letter to the editor by a male student asserts that sexism is prevalent in the Greek system,…

1983-12-2 Cavalier Daily Media to Focus on Black Concerns, Interests.pdf
Two University deans and two student leaders attempt to bridge the communication gap between black…

1983-12-2 Cavalier Daily Panel Spurs Change in Issues Coverage.pdf
University media organizations and a University black affairs committee seek to provide better…

1983-12-1 Cavalier Daily Symbolic Impact.pdf
This opinion article analyzes the various responses in previous letters to the editor to the…

1983-11-23 Cavalier Daily Confederate Flag Not Symbol of Racist Attitudes.pdf
In response to a previous letter to the editor that argued that the Confederate flag is a racist…

1983-11-22 Cavalier Daily Proposed Change of Abortion Insurance not Chauvinistic.pdf
In response to a previous letter to the editor that supported including abortion on the Student…

1983-11-21 Cavalier Daily ERA End to Discrimination Against Women.pdf
This letter to the editor supports the Equal Rights Amendment, on the grounds that it will help to…

1983-11-18 Cavalier Daily Flag Unwanted Symbol at Games.pdf
After the UVa color guard displays the Confederate flag at the homecoming football game, this letter…

1983-11-14 Cavalier Daily Elimination of Abortion Coverage Discriminatory, Impractical.pdf
This letter to the editor asserts that eliminating abortion coverage from the UVa Student Health…