

1984-09-04 Should Deep Throat Be Deep-Sixed.pdf
This opinion article responds to feminist groups' efforts to ban a screening of the pornographic…

1984-09-05 NOW to Debate Hereford Letter.pdf
University President Frank Hereford declines an invitation by the local chapter of the National…

1984-09-05 Letters to the Editor (Deep Throat).pdf
Multiple letters to the editor react to NOW's protests against the screening of the pornographic…

1984-09-27 Pornography at the University.pdf
This article recapitulates the debate about pornography at UVa the preceding year. It discusses…

1984-10-31 Women Protest 'Snow White'.pdf
In this joke issue of the Cavalier Daily, this article spoofs on NOW's protests against the…

1984-11-15 Panelists Debate Legal Aspects of Pornography.pdf
A local panel of speakers discusses whether it is constitutional to ban pornography, given the First…

1984-01-31 University Showing of Porno Film Legitimizes Sexual Violence.pdf
This letter to the editor objects to a showing of the pornographic film "Deep Throat" on Grounds, on…

1984-02-01 Views About Pornography on Grounds.pdf
Various letters to the editor respond to a recent showing of the pornographic film "Deep Throat" on…

1984-02-02 Pornography Life Imitating Art.pdf
This article discusses depictions of rape in the recently screened pornographic film "Deep Throat"…

1984-02-07 What's Really Wrong With Pornography.pdf
This opinion article rebuts the view that pornography is damaging due to its sexual objectification…

1984-02-09 Women Dehumanized by Pornography.pdf
This opinion article discusses feminist advocacy in favor of banning pornography, and the common…

1984-2-13 Feminists Recycle Same Reactionary Attitudes.pdf
This opinion article critiques a previous article by Wallie Mason that posited that pornography…