
Rape stories yield similar descriptions-Wall, 2nd UVA student raped in 2 days-Bowman.pdf
"City police officials said yesterday there is a 'strong possibility' the same man committed two…



Cavalier Daily Apr 15, 1993 - Groups March Against Violence; Casteen Criticized for Response to Scandals..pdf
One article reports on a Take Back the Night protest, in which 70 students and faculty marched along…

Roofies enter youth scene, rapidly become pop drug-Bodamer.pdf
"Every American generation has had its 'pop' drug...Now it appears the new drug of the 90s may be…


Panel looks at causes of sexual harassment- Van Arman.pdf
"A panel discussion on sexual harassment sponsored by the Women's Resource Center explored women's…



1998-02-02 Cavalier Daily Simple Steps Prevent Assault v. Administration Must Act.pdf
Students and "Viewpoint" columnists provide differing ideas on how to prevent sexual assault. The…

1997-09-19 Cavalier Daily Sisson Highlights Advantages Behind Single-Sex Education (part 1).pdf
Assistant Dean of Students Shamin Sisson speaks to the UVA chapter of NOW about the benefits of…

1984-04-05 Acceptance of Gay Rights 'Not a Given.pdf
This guest column responds with approval to the UVa Law School's decision to include sexual…

Cavalier Daily Sept 4, 1974 - Sexuality Committee Offers Peer Advising, Symposium.pdf
The Counselor's Committee on Human Sexuality attempts to compensate for prior inadequate sex…

Letter to Mr. Casteen about Jefferson Society.pdf
"The Jefferson Society fosters an environment hostile to women" --letter written to UVA president…

1996-10-21 Cavalier Daily Silent Statistics.pdf
An article by Claire N. Kaplan of the UVA Women's Center reacts to recent increases in crime in the…

Rape- Untold campus story- Claire Kaplan.pdf
Article by Claire Kaplan discussing women, men, rape and its effects, along with how different…

This poster lists the events taking place in Charlottesville for Sexual Assault and Domestic…