

The author describes why she thinks the initial retraction of "A Rape on Campus" issued by Rolling…

People rally to prevent assault- Baltimore .pdf
Marchers in Charlottesville and at UVA in the annual Take Back the Night rally

A Woman's Place- Bunn- .pdf
Questioning paradigms of femininity in the sorority system

At the start of 1992, the University of Virginia Police and the University Committee on Sexual…

UVA rape data widely divergent-Edwards.pdf
Since July 1990, no UVA rapes reported to police

Revisions to the University's sexual assault policy outline stricter guidelines for confidentiality,…

Christopher Lynn Matthew is arrested and charged with sexually assaulting a University graduate…

Cavalier Daily Apr 13, 1993 - Prohibit, Protect, Police.pdf
An article criticizing Women's Studies director Ann Lane and a new proposal to restrict…

1997-07-10 Cavalier Daily Who's Educating Students About Sexual Assault.pdf
This article responds to the news of two assaults on female UVA students and the rape of a 78-year…

1998-02-23 Cavalier Daily Race Relations More Complex Than Terms Allow.pdf
This opinion article considers the role of semantics in contemporary racial issues, particularly the…

Ending sexual assaults requires attitude change-Nehls.pdf
"It's a topic beaten to death more than Custer's horse: sexual assault."

1994 University crime rate decreases-Rasmussen.pdf
"Although the University saw a 3.7 percent overall decrease in crime in 1994, victims reported…