

Renewed awareness of sexual assault following the Rolling Stone article gives rise to new sexual…

Cavalier Daily Oct 13, 1992 - Retreat Fosters Communication.pdf
University faculty, administrators and students discuss issues such as sexual assault and gender…

1997-07-21 Cavalier Daily Rash of Assaults Hits Local Area.pdf
In the wake of four recent local attacks, and the rape of a 78-year old Charlottesville woman,…

Cavalier Daily May 25, 1954 - Previous Position Reiterated.pdf
The author of a May 19 editorial reiterates his support for the suspension of 11 students for an…

The Prevention Working Group of the President’s Ad Hoc Group on University Climate and Culture…

1997-04-10 Cavalier Daily Police to Service Student Escort.pdf
Student Council President Scott Fishman issues an executive order to revise the Student Escort…

1996-11-25 Cavalier Daily Officials to Consider New Sexual Assault Committee (part 1).pdf
The University Committee on Sexual Assault and Judicial Review receives critiques for the lack of…

1998-02-04 Cavalier Daily Officials Praise UJC Attempts to Influence Board.pdf
The UJC encourages the Board of Visitors to approve new sexual assault procedures, including the…

1996-11-21 Cavalier Daily Officials Gather for Discussion of Security (part 1).pdf
In the wake of several housing break-ins in the University community, UVA and Charlottesville…

Cavalier Daily Oct 8, 1992 - Officers Study Issues in Drug, Assault Training.pdf
University police attend a program on drug and sexual assault training, now mandated by VA Gov.…

The Obama administration creates a task force that addresses sexual misconduct and assault…

UVA hosts a national conference on sexual misconduct policies and reform under Title IX. University…