

1998-03-04 Cavalier Daily Let Women Make Playboy Choice.pdf
This opinion article responds to a Playboy ad in the Cavalier Daily, seeking students to appear in…

1998-03-20 Cavalier Daily Fairstein Increases Awareness About Sexual Assault with Entertaining Fiction Recitation.pdf
Linda Fairstein reads from her book "Likely to Die" at the Virginia Festival of the Book, and…

1998-03-25 Cavalier Daily Gender Revolution Must Continue.pdf
This opinion article responds to a series of five articles in the Washington Post, entitled,…

1998-04-01 Cavalier Daily Playboy Arrives at Mr. Jefferson's University.pdf
Playboy releases its "Women of the ACC Issue" featuring female students. An article by a male…

1998-04-08 Cavalier Daily Women Must Take Action.pdf
This opinion article addresses the issue of sexual assault in the context of the sexual harassment…

1998-04-21 Cavalier Daily Bashir Discusses Gender Equality, Kasindja Case.pdf
International law attorney and human rights activist Layli Miller Bashir gives a speech about US…

1998-06-05 Cavalier Daily The Honor Men.pdf
A year-in-review issue of the Cavalier Daily for 1997-1998 features the "Honor Men" poem, including…

1998-06-18 Cavalier Daily Symptoms, Stereotypes.pdf
This article responds to the brutal murder of African-American man James Byrd, Jr. While it concedes…

1998-01-29 Cavalier Daily Clinton's Familiar Rhetoric.pdf
In the aftermath of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, this opinion article reflects on Clinton's history…

In observance of National Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Month, the University engages in a…

This article is a film review for "Country" (2005). The movie follows the story of Josie Aimes in…

Annie Hylton's story of rape at UVA makes it to NBC's newzine Dateline. A brief summary of her rape…