

Cavalier Daily Nov 3, 1975 - Women's Groups Plan Actions Against Minories.pdf
The Radical Feminist Union and the Charlottesville chapter of the National Organization of Women…

Cavalier Daily Oct 9, 1975 - Female Athletes.pdf
In a letter to the editor, a female student speaks out against the fact that the Cavalier Daily's…

Cavalier Daily Sept 23, 1975 - Panelists Examine Women's Role in Society.pdf
In a panel discussion at the Law School, Dorothy McDiarmid, Lynne Edgerton, and Phoebe Hall discuss…

Cavalier Daily Sept 18, 1975 - Judge Halts Sterilization.pdf
In England. Judge Rose Heilbron rules against sterilizing a mentally disabled girl with Soto's…

Cavalier Daily Sept 12, 1975 - Nursing the Sexual Revolution.pdf
A satirical article by a male reporter lamenting that "girls have taken over the Nursing Dorm." The…

Cavalier Daily Sept 5, 1975 - Woman Sues Drug Firm in Dalkon Shield Case.pdf
University student Christina Osequeda sues the A.H. Robbins Co. for an allegedly defective Dalkon…

Cavalier Daily Sept 3, 1975 - Women Find Working as Trainers Exciting.pdf
Two female marine mammal trainers at Mystic Marinelife Aquarium discuss the importance of patience…

Cavalier Daily Sept 16, 1974 - NOW Chapter Forms to Aid Local Women.pdf
Fifty to sixty women found the Charlottesville chapter of the National Organization of Women, to…

Cavalier Daily Oct 13, 1992 - Objectifying Men.pdf
An article discussing the novel objectification of the male body in the Levi's "Everything's Basic"…

Cavalier Daily Oct 7, 1992 - VMI's Options.pdf
An article explores VMI's options, following a court ruling upholding the school's single-sex…

Cavalier Daily Oct 6, 1992 - Court Backs VMI Status.pdf
The 4th District Circuit Court of Appeals upholds VMI's single-sex status, but requires that it…

Cavalier Daily Oct 5, 1992 - Disillusioning Decision; Stereotypes..pdf
An article criticizes Virginia Gov. Douglas Wilder's failure to appoint gender and racially diverse…