

1984-09-10 Minor Allegedly Raped.pdf
A girl under the age of eighteen is raped at the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity house. The fraternity…

1984-09-11 Details of Case Unclear.pdf
Charlottesville police investigate the rape of a 16-year old girl at Phi Gamma Delta fraternity…

1984-09-13 Fraternities Increase Security.pdf
Fraternities increase their security measures, after a sixteen-year old girl asserts that she was…

1984-09-18 Fraternity House Bombed.pdf
Three local residents throw a Molotov cocktail bomb through the front door of Phi Gamma Delta…

1985-02-04 Police Investigate Weekend Crimes Student Abducted and Allegedly Raped.pdf
A first-year female student is abducted in the Scott Stadium parking lot and raped. Police…

1985-02-04 Rude Awakening.pdf
This statement by the Cavalier Daily discusses the abduction and rape of a first-year female…

1985-04-02 Police Catch Rape Suspect.pdf
After hiding in the coal car of a train to evade police, local man Sammy Davis is charged with the…

1985-04-12 Convicted Rapist Gets 40 Year Term.pdf
Ricky Donnell Hunter of Louisa County is sentenced to 40 years in prison for the abduction of a…

Domestic Violence- educational.pdf
Informational packet containing different explanations of domestic violence and its effects and…

Domestic Violence- The facts- Handbook.pdf
A Handbook to STOP violence by shattering myths, identifying warning signs, encouraging help

Sexual Assault against men- It does happen.pdf
Guidelines for same-sex assault crisis intervention pamphlet

Violence Update- The Medical Consequences of Rape- Koss.pdf
Discussing some medical consequences of sexual assault and rape, including STDs and HIV. This…