

1985-11-20 -  Steinem Cites Changes.pdf
Gloria Steinem gives a lecture at Old Cabell Hall on current feminist efforts to eliminate sexuality…

Cavalier Daily Nov 7, 1975 - Albemarle Elects David First Woman Supervisor.pdf
Opal David becomes the first female member of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors.

Cavalier Daily July 19, 1979 - Sex Change Suit Pending.pdf
Selena Jagger files a lawsuit against the University Hospital for a botched sex change operation.

1983-11-22 Cavalier Daily Proposed Change of Abortion Insurance not Chauvinistic.pdf
In response to a previous letter to the editor that supported including abortion on the Student…

1985-11-19 - Steinem to Speak on Today's Feminists.pdf
This article publicizes a forthcoming lecture by Gloria Steinem at Old Cabell Hall on 'Women of the…

1985-11-15 - 'Iris' Broadens Horizons.pdf
This article is an exposition of 'Iris,' a feminist journal at UVA. It tracks the evolution of…

Cavalier Daily Oct 5, 1992 - Disillusioning Decision; Stereotypes..pdf
An article criticizes Virginia Gov. Douglas Wilder's failure to appoint gender and racially diverse…

Cavalier Daily Sept 5, 1975 - Woman Sues Drug Firm in Dalkon Shield Case.pdf
University student Christina Osequeda sues the A.H. Robbins Co. for an allegedly defective Dalkon…

1996-09-23 Cavalier Daily VMI Decides to Allow Females to Enter, Remain Public University.pdf
Following a Supreme Court ruling that the Virginia Military Institute must either become…

Cavalier Daily Oct 7, 1992 - VMI's Options.pdf
An article explores VMI's options, following a court ruling upholding the school's single-sex…

Cavalier Daily Sept 18, 1975 - Judge Halts Sterilization.pdf
In England. Judge Rose Heilbron rules against sterilizing a mentally disabled girl with Soto's…