
What to do when someone you know is raped.pdf
Informational packet taken from an interview of Linda Sandford in People magazine regarding…

4 women report sexual attacks-McKenzie.pdf
"Four area women have been sexually assaulted or raped in the last seven days, but police say they…

Acquaintance attacks count as majority of assault cases- Dexter.pdf
Cavalier Daily article discussing "acquaintance assaults" and statistics about rape, victims, and…

Albemarle schools report 240 student assaults-McKenzie.pdf
Albemarle schools reported 240 assaults involving students during the 1991-1992 year- most of the…

Judiciary convicts five in assault- Banta.pdf
"Five Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity members have been convicted in a closed Judiciary Committee…

Lawyer-Police misstated facts in rape case- O'Brien.pdf
"The lawyer representing a University of Virginia student charged in connection with what police say…

Panel responses slow to date-rape problems-Johnson.pdf
"It's getting easier for rape victims at the University of Virginia to tell authorities about it,…

Police charge city man with sexual battery-Flynn.pdf
Police report no leads in assault cases

Police continue to investigate assault- Sniff.pdf
"The Charlottesville City Police Department yesterday reported to new leads in its continuing…


Police-UVA student raped under Beta Bridge-Hickerson.pdf
Attack similar to series of previous sexual assaults



Rape leaves victim, 78 at the time, suspicious but strong-Schwisow.pdf
"For nearly a half-century, the drama department at the University of Virginia has been her…


Rape survivor recalls past attack, emotions-White.pdf
"Many sexual assaults go unreported because the victim knows the attacker or fears having to face…