

In the aftermath of the Rolling Stone article, survivor Annie Forrest shares her story through…

An overview of research being done on the effect of trauma on a person's ability to recollect events…

Communications & Public Education- Effective tools to promote a cultural change on Domestic Violence- Marissa E. Ghez.pdf
Paper presented by the Communication Director of the Family Violence Prevention Fund at the Violence…


When will 'no' mean no?- Brown.pdf
"Ah, youth. The liberties of collegiate life occur at a juncture in adolescence when most students…

The Psychological Impact of sexual Assault.pdf
"This report will provide a brief review of selected background literature in order to answer common…

Rape survivor recalls past attack, emotions-White.pdf
"Many sexual assaults go unreported because the victim knows the attacker or fears having to face…

1996-11-20 Cavalier Daily Options Abound for Students Seeking Help, Advice about Disorders.pdf
An article detailing various counseling services available to University students includes a…

1998-01-28 Cavalier Daily SAFE Vigil Attracts Attention to Assaults.pdf
About 70 University students, staff, and local residents hold a vigil for victims of sexual assault,…

1998-02-11 Cavalier Daily Decreased Student Supports Jeopardizes SAFE's Efforts.pdf
The Sexual Assault Facts and Education organization struggles to stay afloat, as it receives no…

Author discusses male-on-male rape- Huneke.pdf
Author Michael Scarce addressed students about problems facing male rape victims

1997-02-07 Cavalier Daily Chicago Rallies Around Rape Victim.pdf
This article reacts to the raping, choking, and poisoning of a 9-year old Chicago girl anonymously…

AKA Panel probes race and rape ties-Nixon.pdf
Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority and Sexual Assault Facts and Education representatives hold a panel…