March 15, 1996

Campus Security Act of 1990: Southeastern college and university responses.

Abstract: "Southeastern college and university responses to the Campus Security Act of 1990 were analyzed according to logistical and content requirements of the law. One hundred and twenty-five colleges and universities from eleven southeastern states (25 from each of the five Carnegie Classifications) were selected through stratified random sampling. Each institution was mailed a survey addressing the logistical requirements of the law; the survey and accompanying cover letter requested that the institution's current annual security report be returned with the survey. Content analysis of the surveys and annual security reports was used to determine the breadth and depth of responses regarding institutional compliance.

The major findings of the study revealed distinctive patterns regarding the manner in which institutions addressed the logistical and content requirements. Thirty-nine percent of the colleges and universities surveyed provided evidence of satisfying all logistical requirements of the law. Sixty-four percent of the research universities satisfied all logistical requirements; approximately 40 percent of the doctoral, masters, and liberal arts institutions satisfied all requirements; only 14 percent of the associate of arts institutions satisfied all requirements. Public research and doctoral universities were more successful than other types of institutions at meeting logistical requirements. Public associate of arts institutions and religious-affiliated masters and liberal arts schools were least compliant.

Thirty-three percent of the colleges and universities attempted to address all twelve content requirements of the law; only 5 percent succeeded in satisfying all requirements. Twenty-one percent of the research universities satisfied all requirements; not one doctoral, masters, liberal arts, or associate of arts institutions met all twelve content requirements. Most of the noncompliant institutions failed to incorporate the substantive changes published in the Final Regulations. The religious-affiliated institutions within every Classification except research, and public associate of arts institutions, were less likely to meet all content requirements than other types of institutions.

These findings suggest that widespread noncompliance could be reduced if specific requirements of the law were interpreted more precisely by the Department of Education. In addition, reissuance of the Final Regulations highlighting the substantive changes would also reduce confusion and inconsistency in reporting among colleges and universities."
Paul Gregory Fowler
University of Virginia
Annette Gibbs
Department of Education
Date Added November 10, 2016
Date Modifed October 17, 2017
Collection UVA scholarship on sexual violence, 1974-

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