March 13, 2025 · University of Virginia

Analytical advances in forensic science: Development of microfluidic systems for analysis of biological evidence.

Abstract: "With sexual assault evidence, conventional differential extraction is utilized to obtain separate male and female fractions of DNA, from which a profile from the victim and perpetrator can be delineated. Chapter 2 discusses the development of a microscale method to replace the conventional differential extraction based upon the different physicochemical properties of the two cell types. Chapter 3 focuses on the development of a quantitative PCR (gPCR) method for the simultaneous quantitation of male and total autosomal DNA in a biological sample as a means to evaluate the results of the cell sorting methods described here. Chapter 4 describes the development of a second means of obtaining separate male and female fractions of DNA from sexual assault evidence, this time exploiting ultrasonic energy to selectively trap cells in a flow stream in a microdevice. This 'acoustic trapping', in combination with simplistic, but effective, valving via precise flow control resulted in separation of the sperm cell and female DNA fractions."
Katie Maree Horsman
University of Virginia
James P. Landers
Department of Chemistry
Date Added November 5, 2016
Date Modifed October 17, 2017
Collection UVA scholarship on sexual violence, 1974-

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