March 31, 2025 · University of Virginia

Mexican-American Women’s Understanding of Safety in Violent Relationships: A Descriptive Study.

Abstract segment:
"Background: It is widely acknowledged that having a safety plan is essential to the well being of a woman and her children in the context of an abusive relationship. What is less understood is: What does safety mean to abused women in the context of cultural beliefs, and do safety strategies differ based on cultural values? The Hispanic population is the largest growing population, but few studies have explored the meaning of safety among subgroups of Hispanics. It is not clear how subgroups of Hispanics, such as Mexican-American women who have experienced abuse perceive safety.

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to describe the unique needs for intimate partner violence (IPV) safety of Mexican-American community women and to explore safety-promoting strategies used by Mexican-American women who have experienced IPV."
Melanie Fleur Sandoval
University of Virginia
Barbara Parker
Claire Kaplan
Kathryn Laughon
Randy Jones
Department of Nursing
Date Added November 5, 2016
Date Modifed October 17, 2017
Collection UVA scholarship on sexual violence, 1974-

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