

U.S. District Judge Kevin Castel dismissed the lawsuit by three former members (George Elias IV,…

This article describes responses to the sentencing of Stanford student Brock Turner in the sexual…

1983-08-30 Cavalier Daily Fighting Crime.pdf
In the wake of 2 rapes and 13 assaults reported during the first six months of 1983, this article…

1983-08-30 Cavalier Daily Playboy Spread has Little Effect on University Image, Fund Drive.pdf
The "Girls of the ACC" issue of Playboy, featuring photos of female University students Cara Lee…

1983-08-30 Cavalier Daily King March Suffers from Lack of Leadership, Unresponsive Crowds.pdf
A "Jobs, Peace, and Freedom" race rally at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. fails to muster…

1998-06-25 Cavalier Daily Center Offers New Option for Reporting Sex Crimes.pdf
The University Women's Center begins to offer students the option to file anonymous third-person…

1998-06-18 Cavalier Daily Symptoms, Stereotypes.pdf
This article responds to the brutal murder of African-American man James Byrd, Jr. While it concedes…

1998-06-05 Cavalier Daily The Honor Men.pdf
A year-in-review issue of the Cavalier Daily for 1997-1998 features the "Honor Men" poem, including…

1998-04-24 Cavalier Daily Pollock Arrested for Faking Accusation.pdf
Second-year University student Catherine Pollock is arrested for filing a false report that she was…

1998-04-23 Cavalier Daily Take Back the Night Must Accomodate Diversity.pdf
A student who attended the University's 10th annual Take Back the Night rally reports on his…

1998-04-21 Cavalier Daily Bashir Discusses Gender Equality, Kasindja Case.pdf
International law attorney and human rights activist Layli Miller Bashir gives a speech about US…

1998-04-17 Cavalier Daily Take Back the Night.pdf
This news article covers the University's 10th annual Take Back the Night march. Participants in the…